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Environmental Policy

Our commitment to a more sustainable future

AUK Supplies Ltd are an environmentally conscious and responsible company. 

We apply an environmental management system that has been assessed and accredited as conforming to ISO 14001:2004.

We ensure that we meet our legal requirements in respect of environmental protection, and that all aspects of our business activities have the least harmful effect on the environment. We recognise a responsibility to conduct our operations in ways that help to increase energy efficiency, reduce our carbon footprint and minimise waste as an integral part of good business practice.

We Have a Commitment to:

  • Source and use environmentally and socially responsible materials
  • Seek continual improvement in sustainability performance in line with ISO14001 and British standards on sustainability management
  • Pursue a target of zero waste to landfill
  • Re-use and recycle materials wherever possible
  • Ensure the rapid and efficient removal of waste
  • Segregate recyclables at source
  • Apply equipment and products designed to increase the sustainability of cleaning and janitorial operations, minimise the use of chemicals and reduce the carbon footprint
  • Minimise the use of paper and card in office administration and apply electronic media so as to print only when necessary
  • Long-distance collaboration through document sharing technology
  • Monitor fuel consumption and maintain the vehicles and machinery used in order to comply with emissions regulations and achieve optimum efficiency
  • Use energy-efficient lighting and equipment. E.g electrical products that have power saving features

Above all, we actively encourage our customers to carry out their cleaning tasks in the most efficient way, balancing maximised efficiencies and minimised environmental impact. Dosing training and charts are supplied to customers and product training is given to users to ensure that our customers are using their resources in the most effective way.

AUK Supplies Ltd Carbon Reduction Plan

Commitment to achieving Net Zero by 2030

Our baseline year has been noted as 2024 due to our restructuring of the business, the relocation to Heathfield Industrial Estate during the second part of 2023.

This relocation provided us with an opportunity to address our commitment to achieving Net Zero by 2030, allowing for a more formal plan, together with the acquisition of the tools needed to record and monitor our activities. Our relocation to one site has given us more control over measuring and monitoring, from our previous multi-site set up.

Corporate responsibilities

As an organisation we accept that it is our duty to ensure that we operate in a manner that is economically and environmentally responsible. We take a proactive approach and endeavour to perform all of our activities to a standard that not only complies with the law and our legal responsibilities, but exceeds the moral and ethical expectations of present and future generations.

We ensure that ethical standards of behaviour are adhered to at all times both as an organisation and at an individual level and is embraced in every decision and action.

Successful efficiency work

Our efficiency work continues through the entire value chain. Our teams work together in our offices and warehouses ensuring we can collaborate effectively and bring in efficiencies of systems. 

This has meant our dispatch operation is more efficient and our stock holdings are focused which, in turn, delivers an improved service to our customers and a better environment for our staff.

We continue to seek further efficiencies to ensure we are always striving to work towards continuous improvement. 

Innovations that benefit our customers

Creative innovations and product focuses are a top priority when it comes to delivering increased customer value and we have continually invested in research and development. Examples of products we continue to promote include our Windmill Refill range of chemicals which eliminate the need for single-use plastics, paper systems that reduce wastage and an Easy Dose chemical range that integrate dilution control in a simple to use bottle.

The continual development of our unique dosing charts for chemicals make it easy for operators to understand the correct dilution for each chemical and where chemicals should be used for maximising the output and minimising the environmental impact of the products we sell.

We also continue to improve our website to integrate further the use of online buying from any device in a quick and easy streamlined process for our customers.


Long term value can only be created if companies simultaneously create value for their operating environment. By turning social challenges into business opportunities, we create the conditions for profitable growth.

95% of our lighting now uses LED technology. This has reduced 6KW of outside lighting to 360 watts and reduced our warehouse lighting consumption in half of our warehouse by 50%.

We have fitted sensors to turn off lighting in unoccupied areas to further reduce energy output. We have also upgraded our office facilities to provide all our office-based staff with adjustable desks, meaning they can choose to sit or stand according to their working style and also gives us space for areas for customer and staff training and strategy meetings.

We have also continued to roll-out dual screens for all company PC’s, reducing the need of printing. Documents such as customer purchase orders or supplier invoices are now viewed electronically with no requirement to print.

Our customers

We continue to support charitable pursuits of our customers with donations, gifts to raffle and support their worthwhile causes. Offering support in training onsite and in our offices. Further online training is being made available to customers including customers’ company specific toolbox talks, COSHH awareness and manual handling.

Frequent training sessions with customers empowers operators with the knowledge to ensure they are not using too much chemical and aware of the risks of overuse.

Our people

We have continued to invest in training of our staff to upgrade their product knowledge and increase efficiencies and at the same time ensure all staff receive remuneration above the recommended living wage.

We have supported cycle schemes that have helped fund bikes for our staff to cycle to work and reduce car travel and have continued to employ local people in the areas we operate and develop their skills.

Company Vehicles

We have fitted trackers on our high mileage vehicles to reduce speeding and harsh braking and we expect this in turn to improve our fuel efficiencies by 5%.

For delivery vehicles we are now also utilising route planning software, to reduce unnecessary mileage and ensuring we are operating in the most efficient way.

Local community

We see this as an area of importance and we have and encourage our management and staff to support needs by giving them paid time to support local causes and charities, donating products to good causes such as a charity for the disabled and also using end of line items such as clothing to provide support to charities that support the homeless and need.

Our main charity continues to be a local school that we help support and sponsor their sporting events with sponsored clothing, sponsorship of sporting events and also educational development. We again are sponsoring a post 16 student with support to their courses and the hands-on support to work placed training to assist them to be work ready.

View and download our ISO Certificates of Registration here:

Want to know more?

To find out more about our Environment Policy please contact our Customer Service team.

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